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North Devon Paediatric Network clinic

Here in Devon we are lucky to live in an extraordinary Geographical location – however this does lead to challenges in providing accessible quality care for all. In order to try and meet those needs and keep travel times to a minimum the Exeter CF team links very closely with the North Devon Paediatric Network team to collaboratively provide both inpatient and outpatient care to those living in the North Devon area. The small numbers of CF families living in the area ensures that the local team knows each family well and is able to tailor the service to their needs.

The local team provide a monthly clinic plus drop in service together with twice monthly joint clinics with the Exeter CF Centre team.

Dr Dermot Dalton was appointed in 2012 as Consultant Paediatrician with an interest in Respiratory and Cystic Fibrosis. He has a keen interest in education and research. He is responsible for medical assessment and decision making locally, collaborating closely with the Exeter CF centre team.

Helen Speedy is the local lead for  CF physiotherapy and aims to support families and children to carry our physiotherapy  in line with National CF Standards of care. She will be available during outpatient clinics , for home visits when needed and during admissions to hospital.

Jan Williams is the local CF specialist nurse to provide support to children and their families about all aspects of their CF both in Outpatients , in the community and during any admissions to hospital. Her role includes providing specific advice, support and education tailored to your family’s needs. She also performs any specific nursing procedures when required  such as care of intravenous lines, gastrostomy care, checking drug levels etc depending on your child’s needs.

Jennifer Calvert is our Clinical Lead Paediatric Dietitian for all CF nutritional needs.

Left to right: Jan Williams, Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis CNS, Helen Speedy, Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis Specialist Physiotherapist Dr Dermot Dalton, Paediatric Consultant Jennifer Calvert, Clinical Lead Paediatric Dietitian

Contact details:

Caroline Thorpe ward 01271 3222704

Dr Dermot Dalton 01271 3222 397

Specialist CF nurse Jan Williams 07425 979742

Physiotherapist Helen Speedy 01271 341 505, 07976 032962

Dietician Jennifer Calvert 01271 3222306

Out of hours – call 0n-call registrar via switch board 01271 322577