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How to contact the Exeter CF Team

Please be aware that due to the unprecedented COVID challenges our usual CF team office has been disbanded in the short term to maintain social distancing. There have been occasional problems with phone reception in some temporary offices. The team should still be available through the following contact numbers and will be checking the team email regularly if your problem is not urgent. If you are experiencing any problems in getting in touch , please be patient with us.  We want to be there for you in this difficult time and  will do our best to be in contact as soon as possible.

For routine enquiries please use our team email, checked Monday – Friday

We will be encouraging you to use the  EPIC Mychart app as the best way to communicate with us and to involve yourselves in your or your childs health care. We hope you will find great benefits, looking up your appointments and  results. You can read your letters and ‘after visit summary’, so you can remember what has been suggested. Please ask for help accessing the app if you are unsure.

We will need to be phasing out use of text and whats app messaging sadly as although very convenient, there are concerns about data protection/ governance

Need to change an appointment ?

Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm – call CF appointments on 01392 406493

For Paediatric advice:

  • Paediatric CF Nurse mobile 07876 560546
  • Paediatric Physiotherapist 07468 718605
  • Bramble ward (Children) 01392 402666

For Adult advice:

  • Adult’s CF Nurse mobile 07468 718606
  • Adult Physiotherapist 07881 787584
  • CF Team office 01392 406493
  • Culm ward West (adults) 01392 402673
  • Culm Ward East (adults) 01392 402545
  • Tom Kent (Exercise therapist) 07929764681


For high cost Homecare pharmacy prescription enquiries please call the companies directly:

Sciensus: 0333 103 9499, Lloyds: 0345 2636 123

Out of Hours

If your child is unwell with CF related symptoms and you feel it cannot wait until next working day, phone 01392 411611 and ask for the “on-call Paediatric Registrar”.

As an adult please phone the same number and ask for the” oncall adult Medical Registrar” Remember this will access Emergency rather than Specialist CF care.