When a child is diagnosed by Newborn Screening
The child will initially be seen by a physiotherapist during the first visit to the Exeter CF centre.
The child will then be seen either in clinic or at home on a regular basis during the first few months of life, to continue the education process and provide support for the family to help incorporate a regular physiotherapy routine in the child’s daily life.
When a child comes to clinic
The child will be offered a review by a physiotherapist at clinic who will:
- ask about the child’s current physiotherapy regime
- review airway clearance techniques
- take a cough swab or a sputum sample
- provide ongoing exercise advice and encouragement
Things to remember when the child is coming to clinic:
- Please bring any airway clearance equipment to clinic so that technique and the equipment can be assessed.
- Always bring your child’s nebuliser equipment to annual review so that the equipment can be assessed.
- Around the time of your annual review an exercise test will also be performed – the child should always bring or wear appropriate footwear and clothing to undertake the exercise test.
Virtual Clinics
As a new service started during shielding as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many appointments are now being offered to be carried out over video link via the platform ‘Attend anywhere’. The URL for your video consultation is https://nhs.vc/RDE-CysticF.
Things to prepare prior to your physiotherapy review:
- It is helpful to have any equipment to hand for review, such as your nebuliser, airway clearance equipment or spirometer.
- Please complete your lung function and oxygen saturations before your appointment. If there are any problems we can troubleshoot this when we speak to you.
Home visits
We routinely offer home visits to help support routine, to introduce new treatments and at annual review. We also offer visits to schools and nurseries if needed.
If a child is admitted to hospital
Throughout the duration of the admission the child will be seen by a physiotherapist to carry out:
- airway clearance treatment
- play activity/exercise sessions
- ongoing education and advice
- musculoskeletal assessment and treatment if required
- continence advice, education and treatment if required
Please bring all nebuliser, airway clearance and spirometry equipment with you for an admission.