Nursery / Pre-school / Primary School
Children with CF attend pre-school playgroups and nurseries in just the same way as any other children. These are exciting times but it is normal for parents to be anxious about how their child will manage at nursery, especially as this might be the first time someone else has cared for them. The CF team is there to support you with these changes.
Key useful advice
- The team can
- Visit nursery to educate staff – let us know your choices and ask the nursery to contact the team to arrange a visit
- Access information to inform staff about safe play
- Address any preconceptions about CF
- Make staff aware of key symptoms to report
- Work with support staff to address any nutritional needs
- Provide the relevant education to prevent cross infection, when offering provision to more than one CF child
- Support any EHCP plans if needed
Your child will be exposed to more colds and common infectious diseases during this period, but this needs to be balanced against the benefits of education and learning opportunities. Many common childhood infections such as chicken pox do not cause particular problems for children with CF – any concerns please discuss further with your team.
We reinforce the importance of good hand hygiene and recommend early flu vaccination annually as important preventative measures.