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Transitioning to Adult Services

Transition is the purposeful planned process for young people with chronic conditions to move from child centered to adult orientated health care. Adult health care services will be unfamiliar to you as yet but your team will support you in becoming more responsible for your own care and treatments. With this you will learn the skills you need to manage adult life with CF and get the most from activities such as employment, going away to college, or living with a partner.

We will have been working with you to prepare for your transition by increasing your knowledge and understanding of your CF care and by encouraging you to become increasingly involved in decisions about management. We hope that by doing so you have already attended some adolescent clinics and are familiar with the adult clinic environment so it is not new to you.

Hopefully you have met some of the adult team before transfer of care there are photos and names available on this site to remind you and do not be afraid to ask. We are fortunate to provide both Paediatric and Adult services on the same site so some members of your team will stay with you and be familiar faces.

Mostly you will find the service runs very similarly to what you are used to and the change will feel right for you.

Differences you may notice:

  • You will be the focus of the consultation and your decisions will be respected – however you are welcome to invite family or friends to any consultation for support if you need it.
  • Letters and telephone calls will be directed to you rather than your parents.
  • Any hospital admissions will be to the adult wards – check with staff about differences in visiting times.
  • When you are well, more of your consultations will be held virtually to allow you to access care whilst attending work/ University etc but with face to face appointments available when needed